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Baby Cathy Ep34: Cute Mermaid

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Oyun bilgileri:

Baby Cathy Ep34: Cute Mermaid is the latest episode of the series, which has returned. We must preserve marine life if we want to live happy lives. Baby Cathy and y8 are therefore highly concerned about protecting aquatic life. Baby Cathy will play as a cute mermaid in this game and save aquatic life. Cute While dozing off, Baby Cathy is daydreaming. She has transformed into a small mermaid in her fantasy world. Assist her in donning a sweet mermaid costume so she can protect the aquatic life that the invaders and fisherman have bombed. Make the little baby Cathy and all the aquatic critters happy by saving them all. Visit y8.com frequently for updates.

Kategori Kız Oyunları
Geliştiren: Y8 Studio
Eklenme tarihi 14 Jun 2023
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