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BFF Rival Blind Date

92,721 kez izlendi

İnsan doğrulaması

Teşekkürler, verdiğiniz oy kaydedildi ve çok yakında gösterilecek.
Oyun bilgileri:

BFF Rival Blind Date is an ultimate dress-up and make-over game with more fun. Going for a blind date is always fun right, this game apparently shows this. In this game, two best friends are going on a blind date with their best friend, But in this situation, one of each other is rival now, so help them both to get ready and make them look beautiful. First, remove acne and clean the face and apply face mask and cleansers, later on, apply makeup, like lipstick, eye lashes, foundation and more, finally dress up them, but both of them are lacking with self-confidence, so play a really small collecting game to boost their confidence and face their blind date. Finally, their date gonna rate them, do not let them disappoint and let them have fun. Play more dress-up games only on y8.com

Kategori Kız Oyunları
Geliştiren: Y8 Studio
Eklenme tarihi 05 Nov 2021
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