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Blonde Sofia: Tartar Removal

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İnsan doğrulaması

Teşekkürler, verdiğiniz oy kaydedildi ve çok yakında gösterilecek.
Oyun bilgileri:

Greetings, folks. Today is a date night for our adorable Sofia. She wants to have fun and is giddy with excitement. However, her oral health is quite poor. Tartar and some foul-smelling material are all over her mouth. Thus, let us assist her in having her teeth cleaned and to have all of the tartar and jewels extracted from her teeth. After that, use some lining to straighten and align the teeth, and her smile will be flawless. To get rid of the unpleasant breath coming from her mouth, brush her teeth. Lastly, get her ready for a date by dressing her in the newest gowns from the closet. Enjoy yourself and play more games exclusively on y8.com.

Kategori Kız Oyunları
Geliştiren: Y8 Studio
Eklenme tarihi 10 Nov 2023
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Teşekkürler, verdiğiniz oy kaydedildi ve çok yakında gösterilecek.
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