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Roxie's Kitchen: Tuesday Taco

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Oyun bilgileri:

Another episode of our favourite chef Roxie's Tuesday Taco series. She wants to demonstrate how to make delicious tacos in her most recent video blog. So let's assist her in making tacos and dressing for the occasion. Let's gather the components first, clean them, and then chop them into little pieces. You now have a little ninja ability, so slice the vegetables and then combine the ingredients to produce the crispy tacos. Next, load them with beautifully prepared sausages and delicious toppings. in addition to delicious chicken or whatever you choose. Let's finally dress up tiny Roxie in the newest gowns from our closet so she looks stunning in this most recent video. Keep visiting y8.com for additional game

Kategori Kız Oyunları
Geliştiren: Y8 Studio
Eklenme tarihi 17 Jul 2023
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